Are you tired of having all your screenshots automatically saved to a OneDrive folder and constantly needing to empty it?

By default, all screenshots, taken with the Snipping Tool, are saved in the C:\Users\[your name]\OneDrive\Images\Screenshots folder that syncs with the OneDrive cloud. You have to remember to empty it regularly.

Especially with Clipboard History you dont need to keep the extra screenshots.

Setup the Snipping Tool

To stop having these screenshots saved, open the Snipping Tool app.

Then click on the 3 dots at the top right and then on Settings.

La fenêtre qui s’ouvre est petite et ne permet pas de voir toutes les options. Agrandissez là (ou jouez de l’ascenseur).

Then, uncheck the option Automatically save original screenshots.

You can do the same with videos by unchecking Automatically save original screen recordings.

Once the 2 items are unchecked, the screenshots (and recording) will no longer clutter your computer.

Setup OneDrive

A configuration in OneDrive must be checked. To do this, click on the cloud at the bottom right (next to the time).

In the window that opens, click on the cogwheel.

Then click Settings.

In the Sync and backup section, uncheck Save screenshots I capture to OneDrive.