Are you seeking a tool to manage your various tasks? The ToDo app or Planner (on Teams) consolidates everything efficiently.

To manage your todo lists, use the To Do, (Microsoft 365 Family), and Planner (Microsoft 365 Business) apps.

To Do

You can find To Do, directly in Windows apps, in the Microsoft 365 app list, in some versions of Outlook, and on mobile.


You can find Planner directly in Teams.

This app allows you to manage as many different lists as you want, add reminders or even add attachments to your tasks. You also have the option to send a list by email or invite people to collaborate on your lists.

To categorize your tasks, you have the option to create different lists (at the bottom). In addition, smart lists are available to you.

  • My Day: Groups tasks that are due on this day 
  • Important: Groups all tasks where you have put a star
  • Planned: Groups all tasks with a due date
  • All: Groups all tasks regardless of origin or list
  • Assigned to Me: Groups all the tasks that have been assigned to you
  • Tasks: Groups all tasks created in Outlook.

Note that in the Planner you will also find all the tasks that have been assigned to you in different Teams channels.

When you create a task, you have the option to add:

  • intermediate steps
  • in the My Day section
  • a reminder
  • a due date
  • a recurrence
  • an attachment
  • Notes